We would like to offer our puppy buyers a lifetime of support regarding training your PreciousGem puppy. We highly suggest enrolling your puppy in socialization and obedience classes. Having a well behaved, socialized, and obedient dog will be such a reward and meaningful part of your life and of their life.
Puppy Lesson 1:
Potty & Crate Training

There are several ways to transition or teach your puppy to potty outside. Please understand that this requires two specific skills on your part. PATIENCE and CONSISTENCY. These are very important!
Our favorite potty training method is the bell system where you teach them to ring a bell when they want to go outside. This is best when taught in gradual steps. Please consult your professional trainer or contact us for these training steps.
This is also the time to introduce your puppy to his or her personal space. We recommend a crate with enough space to lie down and stand up in. Too much space may encourage using the bathroom. Make this space fun! Add toys and treats to keep it positive. Help your puppy learn it is a safe place for them and it is okay to be left alone. Start with small increments of time and increase the duration as your puppy becomes more comfortable.
Our favorite potty training method is the bell system where you teach them to ring a bell when they want to go outside. This is best when taught in gradual steps. Please consult your professional trainer or contact us for these training steps.
This is also the time to introduce your puppy to his or her personal space. We recommend a crate with enough space to lie down and stand up in. Too much space may encourage using the bathroom. Make this space fun! Add toys and treats to keep it positive. Help your puppy learn it is a safe place for them and it is okay to be left alone. Start with small increments of time and increase the duration as your puppy becomes more comfortable.
Puppy Lesson 2:

As your breeder we will have already begun this important training tool. We highly encourage you to continue this with your puppy. Desensitize your puppy to everything you can. The three most important senses in terms of training are TOUCH, HEARING, and SIGHT. Rub your puppy's toes, ears, mouth, and tail so they learn to tolerate manipulation. Reward them for proper behavior. Introduce a brush, collar and/or harness, and new noises. This will be especially important if you have children, want smooth veterinary visits, and more relaxed nail trimming/ grooming sessions. Again, reward for proper behavior. Toys and grounds with different textures are also great tools to help your puppy gain confidence.
Puppy Lesson 3:

I cannot stress how IMPORTANT socialization is!! Slowly expose your puppy to other dogs and people. Please do this in a safe and controlled environment until you are confident that your puppy is ready to play off leash. Greet friendly dogs and people while on leash and reward and praise your puppy. Make these meetings exciting for them! You want to build their confidence! This is SO SO important! Future public outings depend on how well behaved your puppy is. If you encounter a situation where your puppy is fearful or showing behavior you do not want, take a step back and remove your puppy from the situation. Take a break and then try again but decrease some stimulation, increase space, and reward with high value treats. It is best to seek advice from your professional trainer or contact me as this is best done one on one and advice is best when a situation can be thoroughly assessed.
Puppy Lesson 4:
Basic Obedience - AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy

Now that you have been working on important aspects of a confidence and tolerant dog, the application begins! Again, we recommend working with a professional trainer and taking a Puppy Obedience class. Sit, down, stay, come, leave-it, drop-it, and walking on a loose leash are basic commands useful in everyday life. Make training exciting and be patient! Make gradual steps while teaching. We encourage all our puppy owners to pursue the achievement of having an AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy! For more information, please check out: